Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plans
Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS)
Where the Arboricultural Impact Assessment identifies likely impacts to trees, suitable mitigation measures are required for the protection of those trees. The Arboricultural Method Statement is often required as a Planning Condition once permission has been granted for a development to occur. Tree protection measures such as tree protection fencing and ground protection will also be detailed as part of the Arboricultural Method Statement.
The Tree Protection Plan (TPP)
The Tree Protection Plan (TPP) forms part of the Arboricultural Method Statement and details the location of protection measures, such as the position of tree protection fencing. It provides construction workers with an easy visual plan to identify where tree protection on site is required. We provide the Tree Protection Plan in both PDF and CAD format to allow accurate positioning of protection measures on site.
Site Visits and Supervision
The Arboricultural Method Statement also provides information on any monitoring or supervision that will be required as part of the construction process. Monitoring site visits involve an arboriculturist attending site to ensure that all tree protection measures are in place and that they remain in place throughout the development. Supervision visits are carried out when construction works are required within the tree protection areas; the arboriculturist attends site and supervises all works in close proximity to the trees and provides guidance on working practices to ensure trees remain protected.
Further guidance on Ancient woodland and veteran trees:
Browse Tree Surveys
The BS5837:2012 Arboricultural Survey aims to identify trees which are protected by law and provides a method of categorising any trees of great significance at an early stage in a project.
Tree Preservation Orders (TPO)
Some trees are protected by a TPO, enforced by the local planning authority (LPA). It is illegal to carry out any kind of work to these trees without first seeking approval from the LPA with a formal application.
Conservation Areas
Trees within Conservation Areas are afforded a similar level of protection to those covered by a TPO. An application should be made to the LPA before carrying out any kind of work to these trees.
Ancient Woodlands
Ancient Woodland sites are those that have been covered by trees since at least 1600 and have therefore become host to a range of species, creating an irreplaceable habitat.
Some species of tree contribute to the classification and identification of Ancient Woodland. They are also responsible for defining whether a hedgerow is classified as ‘important’ under the Hedgerow Regulations. Even though they may lack considerable vertical height, they still contribute to the total number of woody species within the hedgerow.
Veteran & Ancient Trees
Ancient trees, often associated with an exceptionally large stem diameter for the species, are those showing signs that they are truly old. These trees not only provide visual and cultural importance in the landscape but also host a range of species that younger trees do not.
Veteran trees are those that may not yet be old enough to be considered ancient, but exhibit some similar physical attributes, which are valuable to the ecology of the site.