Breeding & Wintering Bird Surveys
Quants staff are experienced in a range of different bird surveys. We have in-house expertise in this area, and have represented our clients’ interests at Public Inquiry with regard to birds. Bird surveys are integral to the suite of surveys preceding many developments and we offer the full range of surveys, including breeding bird, winter bird, wetland bird and vantage point.
Whether your project is a wind farm, pipeline or housing development; upland, lowland or coastal, we will advise on the right type of survey for your needs. Timely action from us can avoid delays, minimise your costs and ensure project delivery.
Nesting Bird Surveys
The nests of all British birds are protected whilst in use and several rarer species receive extra legal protection. Birds often occur on development sites, e.g. barn owls nest in farm buildings and little-ringed plovers nest on bare ground at brownfield sites. Bird surveys are often required before permission is granted for projects which affect birds, particularly wind farms, large developments and new roads. We can advise whether action is required, implement measures to ensure birds do not delay your project and undertake mitigation if needed. Common birds can nest almost anywhere and we can check for nests to allow your site clearance to progress.
Some birds are not only protected by the Wildlife and Countryside Act, but also other wider legislation such as that covering Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birds, and areas recognised under the international Ramsar Conservation of Wetlands agreement as Wetlands of International Importance.
Further information: Wildlife and Countryside Act: